| 1. | Hepatitis is transmitted by blood transfusion . 输血可传播肝炎。 |
| 2. | It may be mechanically transmitted by arthropods . 它可以通过节肢动物机械地传播。 |
| 3. | The weight of the contents is transmitted by means of the floors to the beams . 楼面荷载通过楼板传递给梁。 |
| 4. | Food-and-mouth disease of cattle could be transmitted by bacteria-free filtrates . 牛的口蹄疫能被无细菌的滤液传播。 |
| 5. | The wastewater samples is transmitted by an air-operated aspirator to the liquid injection valve . 用气动吸引器将废水试样送入液体注射阀。 |
| 6. | As a mildly contagious disease, papillomatosis is transmitted by both direct and indirect contact . 乳头瘤病为一种轻度的接触性传染病,可由直接或间接接触而传播。 |
| 7. | When light is transmitted by a transparent material, there is a very complex interaction with the material . 当光穿过透明物质时,它就和物质产生很复杂的相互作用。 |
| 8. | The communication relation is defined as the channels through which messages are transmitted by people who comprise a social system . 传播关系的定义是:构成一个社会系统的人们传送信息的各种渠道。 |
| 9. | It appeared that in that country the disease was caused by an antibiotic-resistant strain of e. coli that was transmitted by the boar . 在那个国家,此病是由一株抵抗抗菌素的埃希氏大肠杆菌菌株引起,由公猪传播的。 |